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Drawing a Dialogue Presents, Episode 9: Karen Czap (Trans Cartoonists in the DIY Scene #6)


Drawing a Dialogue Presents, Episode 9: Karen Czap (Trans Cartoonists in the DIY Scene #6)

Cathy G. Johnson

Artwork by e jackson.

Artwork by e jackson.

Drawing a Dialogue is a podcast discussing comics in historical, theoretical + educational contexts by Cathy G. Johnson and remus jackson.

DaD Presents is an interview series with comic educators, academics, historians, and anyone else involved in comic scholarship. DaD Presents is released on the same feed as Drawing a Dialogue, in addition to the regular episodes. 

Drawing a Dialogue Presents, Episode 9: Karen Czap (Trans Cartoonists in the DIY Scene #6): Karen Czap is an Ignatz Award-nominated cartoonist, author of Fütchi Perf and Four Years. Their coloring work can be found in The Breakaways, Freestyle, BUNT!, and more. Czap lives and works in Providence, RI as a member of the Binch Press / Queer Archive Works studio co-op. In this interview, we talk about the comics community, publishing with friends, conventions, and of course, the X-Men.

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