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Filtering by Category: Teens

Write RI x Comic Art Ed!

Cathy G. Johnson

I will be teaching two 4-week long workshop series aimed at guiding Rhode Island teenagers through the development, writing and drawing of their own comic book stories. These workshops were developed in collaboration with Write RI and School One in Providence, Rhode Island, and will be taught both virtually and in-person. Students are invited to submit their final comic stories in a contest to be collected and printed into a state-wide anthology.

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Book Posts - A Map to the Sun

Cathy G. Johnson

An electric and reverent slice-of-life sports story about female adolescence, A Map to the Sun is a powerful graphic novel for older teens. Ren, Luna, Jetta, Anella and So-young are fiercely independent teenagers living in a beautiful beachside town. Difficulties young adults face such as drug + alcohol use, sexual harassment and self-harm influence the girls’ lives. Together they decide to build something new just for themselves at school: a basketball team.

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Book Posts - Our Dining Table

Cathy G. Johnson

“Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane — two brothers, many years apart in age — who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! It’s not long before Yutaka finds himself falling hard for the meals they share together — and falling in love!” (from the back of the book)

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In The Classroom - Scaffolding upon Doodling

Cathy G. Johnson

“Where do ideas come from?” Ideation is something that can stump many art students. We never want to tell students what they should make! On the flip side, doodling is spontaneous, free, and unrestrained drawing. Every student, no matter their artistic skill or background, can doodle. How can the power of doodling be harnessed to help students create, develop, and feel confident in their original ideas?

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Book Posts - Satoko and Nada: Volume 1

Cathy G. Johnson

Satoko is a Japanese student studying in America, and she gets a surprise when meeting her new roommate, Nada! Nada is also an international student but from Saudi Arabia, and she’s Muslim. Satoko and Nada is a wonderful comic about cultural similarities and differences, and keeping an open mind about new friendships!

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In The Classroom - Expressive Figure Drawing

Cathy G. Johnson

Figure drawing is a well-known art exercise for students of all ages, and can be approached in many different ways. The excitement and joy of cartooning is not the precision of drawing, but the communication through marks and forms. Therefore, my approach to figure drawing with my students is not about capturing the perfect form, but instead capturing the emotion that the figure is conveying.

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