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Comic Art Ed! Scholarship focusing on bringing comics into the visual arts classroom. A resource for educators, students, cartoonists and the curious.

Comic Art Ed!: Comic Books in Arts Education

Comic Art Ed! is a scholarship-based educational resource for bringing comics into the visual arts classroom. My name is Cathy G. Johnson and I'm a cartoonist and educator. This website documents my comic art educational work and serves as a resource for other teachers, students and cartoonists.

News, March 2025:

  • Excited to announce my teen comics workshop and contest collaboration with Write RI! Learn more here!

  • If you're in Rhode Island, I'm very excited to announce that I'm teaching an adult in-person class with RISD this spring! Starting a Sketchbook: Techniques and Practice! It's going to be about exploration and discovery, we're going to have SO MUCH FUN. Sign up today!

  • We just launched an Illustrated Storytelling Group for Rhode Islanders! Learn more here!

Featured Blog Posts:

Making Comics is for Everyone!

What comic books offer students is unique and exciting. Comic books are not only a combination of art and literature, but become a whole much greater than the sum of its parts. Cartooning offers exciting opportunities for innovative thinking — a child's imagination can build worlds on the page. Comics are amazing, and belong in the classroom! Book a visit today!

Education Blog Posts:


Contact me to set up a workshop + visit:

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Comic Art Ed! on Social Media!

Adults: Please tag us @comicarted on social media if you’d like to share your students’ comic art from your classrooms!