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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 8: History of Low Culture + the Benefits of Cartooning in Education


Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 8: History of Low Culture + the Benefits of Cartooning in Education

Cathy G. Johnson

Artwork by e jackson.

Artwork by e jackson.

Drawing a Dialogue is a podcast discussing comics in historical + educational contexts by Cathy G. Johnson + e remus jackson.

Episode 8: Historically, mass-produced media is monickered as “low culture,” while fine art is “high.” Where does this dichotomy come from, how are comics treated in this binary, and how can educators take advantage of it? In this episode we dissect the history of accessible media and how comics in the classroom can benefit. Live from Comic Arts Los Angeles!

Contact:, Twitter

Subscribe: iTunes, or any podcast app you may use!


Episode Citation (chronologically as mentioned in podcast):

  • Comic Arts Los Angeles - CALA

  • Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 2: History of High Culture + Gatekeeping in “The Arts” - Link

  • Asa Briggs + Peter Burke - Wiley

  • John A. Walker - University of Chicago

  • Clement Greenberg, 1939, Avant-Garde and Kitsch - PDF

  • Matthew Arnold - Culture and Anarchy - Britannica

  • "Who drew this comic?" - Petersen, R. S. (2011). Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels: A History of Graphic Narratives. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

  • Comiskey, D. S. (2016). “Drawing Conclusions.” Indianapolis Monthly, 40(2), 58.

  • The Importance of Art in Child Development - PBS

  • Graham, M. (2003). Responding to the Demise of Adolescent Artmaking: Charting the Course of Adolescent Development in an Exceptional Art Classroom. Studies In Art Education, (2), 162.

  • "Diamond sales" - Miller, J. J. (n.d.). Comichron: Yearly Rankings for Comic Book Sales. Retrieved December 10, 2016 - Comichron

  • "YALSA, Gene Yang." - Stauffer, S. M. (2013, April 22). Taking a Dip in the Crazy Pool: The Evolution of X-Women From Heroic Subject to Sexual Object. The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults - YALSA

  • Paperback Graphic Books. (2016, December 18). The New York Times. Retrieved December 10, 2016 - NYT

  • Cavna, M. (2017, January 10). “All types of adult fiction books decreased in sales last year - except for this one.” Retrieved March 27, 2017 - Washington Post

  • Beaty, B. (2012). Comics Versus Art. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2012.

  • Brunetti, I. (2011). Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

  • Adams, J. (1999). “Of Mice and Manga: Comics and Graphic Novels in Art Education.” Journal Of Art & Design Education, 18(1).

  • "traumatic memory" - Harriet Earle: Academia

  • Olson, J. L. (1992). Envisioning Writing : Toward an integration of drawing and writing. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c1992.

  • Coll, C. G., Lamberty, G., Jenkins, R., McAdoo, H. P., Crnic, K., Wasik, B. H., & García, H. V. (1996). “An Integrative Model for the Study of Developmental Competencies in Minority Children.” Child Development, (5). 1891.

  • We Need Diverse Books - Link

  • Drawing a Dialogue Presents, Episode 1: Educator Walker Mettling - Link