Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 21: Labor + Capitalism in Comics
Cathy G. Johnson
Artwork by e jackson.
Drawing a Dialogue is a podcast discussing comics in historical + educational contexts by Cathy G. Johnson + e remus jackson.
Episode 21: Happy May Day! Cathy + e talk about labor and comics. They begin by defining what capitalism and commodification is. e goes over the history of attempts by cartoonists to unionize, then Cathy discusses theory about why we should make art as a community. We are stronger together!
Contact: drawingadialogue@gmail.com, Twitter
Subscribe: iTunes, or any podcast app you may use!
Episode Links:
Felluga, Dino. "Terms Used by Marxism." Introductory Guide to Critical Theory, 2019 - Purdue U
“Intelligentsia” - Wiki
Of Comics and Men, Jean-Paul Gabilliet, Bart Beaty, and Nick Nguyen, 2009 - University of Mississippi
Demanding Respect: The Evolution of the American Comic Book, Paul Lopes, 2009 - Temple University
Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels: a History of Graphic Narratives, Robert S. Petersen, 2011 - ABC-CLIO
Comics from the Underground: Publishing Revolutionary Comic Books in the 1960s and Early 1970s, 2019, Päivi Arffman - Link
“Creator ownership in comics” - Wiki
“Creator’s Bill of Rights” - Wiki
Bill of Rights for Comics Creators - Scott McCloud’s website
Arvatov, Boris. Art and Production. Pluto Press, 2017.
Tavin, K. M. (2003). Wrestling with Angels, Searching for Ghosts: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Visual Culture. Studies in Art Education, 44(3), 197–213.
Graphic Artists Guild - Link
Teaching Artists Guild - Link
List of graphic novel agents - Niki Smith’s website
Black Marxism by Cedric J. Robinson - UNC
Letters to the Editor
Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 12: History of Racism + Physiognomy in Cartooning - Link
Nicholas Sammond, 2015, Birth of an Industry: Blackface Minstrelsy and the Rise of American Animation - Duke University Press
Radiator Comics - Link (Since the time of our recording, Neil has fully funded! Yay!)
What are we reading?
O Maidens in Your Savage Season by Mari Okada
Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Theme song by Downtown Boys