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Filtering by Category: DaD Eps 31-60

Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 57: Swann Fellowship and the Library of Congress

Cathy G. Johnson

remus has just gotten back from their awesome fellowship with the Swann Foundation, which supports scholarly research and writing projects in the field of caricature and cartoon. remus shares their exploration the Library of Congress, where they gathered research in the SPX collection and Gale’s Archives of Sexuality and Gender. Join us!

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 55: Catching Up!

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy and remus catch up about life, teaching, and art practices. remus shares where they’re at with their PhD dissertation and talks about their exciting upcoming fellowship. Cathy talks about squaring the peg of their art and education practice. Topics include being mindful of audiences, the physiognomy of Pixar characters, Kenny makes an appearance, and more! Thanks for listening!

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 53: Introducing Our New Series: Trans Cartoonists in the DIY Scene

Cathy G. Johnson

On this exciting episode of Drawing a Dissertation, remus introduces our new series where we interview trans cartoonists from the DIY scene! remus shares their PhD dissertation work, their approach to research, and drops the news of our exciting new DaD Presents project. We hope you join us!

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 52: Accessibility at Conventions

Cathy G. Johnson

Using Calmer Con in Massachusetts as a case study, Cathy and remus discuss accessibility at comic conventions. Cathy shares details about the event and the superhero costume workshops she taught. What is the difference between providing accommodations for disabled people, versus building something accessible from the start?

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 47: Comic Art Ed!

Cathy G. Johnson

In this episode, Cathy shares her newly published book chapter, Comic Art Ed! Making Comics is for Everyone! She discusses the art education approach to K-12 comic book lesson development through five different pedagogical values: teamwork, ideation, literacy, self-actualization, and fun. Cartooning combines drawing and writing into its own unique learning and creating form. This chapter synthesizes the past decade of Cathy’s work helping develop the pedagogical field of making comics in the art classroom!

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 44: AIDS Activism + Comics

Cathy G. Johnson

In this episode, remus discusses the way queer AIDS activists used art and comics as part of their activism during the the 1980s-1990s. They specifically talk about four art projects: the AIDS memorial quilt, work by activist group Gran Fury, the comics anthologies “Strip AIDS” and “Strip AIDS USA,” and David Wojnaworicz's “7 Miles A Second.”

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 43: Boys Love Manga

Cathy G. Johnson

The common definition of BL, the acronym for Boys Love, is “a genre consisting of male-male romantic fictions created by women and for women in Japan, previously known as yaoi.” But is it only women? Cathy and remus discuss the history, contemporary status, and transformative power of BL manga for queer representation, using the awesome expert panel hosted by The Japan Foundation NY as citation: “Boys' Love: The History and Transformation of BL in Asia.” Join us!

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 39: Capitalism + Comics

Cathy G. Johnson

Special guest Ross Hernandez join Cathy and remus to talk about how capitalism shapes the creation of comic books. We learn about different forms of labor, art’s relationship to capitalism, and how the comic book industry mashes these worlds together. Where are we right now, and what are our next steps forward? Capitalism is dying, and we should let it die.

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