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Filtering by Tag: Queer

Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 53: Introducing Our New Series: Trans Cartoonists in the DIY Scene

Cathy G. Johnson

On this exciting episode of Drawing a Dissertation, remus introduces our new series where we interview trans cartoonists from the DIY scene! remus shares their PhD dissertation work, their approach to research, and drops the news of our exciting new DaD Presents project. We hope you join us!

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Book Posts - Our Dining Table

Cathy G. Johnson

“Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane — two brothers, many years apart in age — who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! It’s not long before Yutaka finds himself falling hard for the meals they share together — and falling in love!” (from the back of the book)

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 17: Trans Memoir + School Climate

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy + e discuss how trans memoirists document their experiences, + have an in-depth analysis on the current school climate for trans students within the United States. e talks about the history of whose stories are categorized as autobiography, and how the trans memoir has evolved throughout time. Cathy talks about the current school climate for transgender and gender non-conforming students, including bathroom access, the legalities under Title IX, and “safe spaces” in schools.

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