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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 17: Trans Memoir + School Climate


Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 17: Trans Memoir + School Climate

Cathy G. Johnson

Artwork by e jackson.

Artwork by e jackson.

Drawing a Dialogue is a podcast discussing comics in historical + educational contexts by Cathy G. Johnson + e remus jackson.

Episode 17: Cathy + e discuss how trans memoirists document their experiences, + have an in-depth analysis on the current school climate for trans students within the United States. e talks about the history of whose stories are categorized as autobiography, and how the trans memoir has evolved throughout time. Cathy talks about the current school climate for transgender and gender non-conforming students, including bathroom access, the legalities under Title IX, and “safe spaces” in schools.

Contact:, Twitter

Subscribe: iTunes, or any podcast app you may use!


Episode Citation:

  • Queer Pulp, Susan Stryker, 2001, Chronicle Books [no online link]

  • Read My Lips, Riki Wilchins, 1997, Magnus Books [no online link]

  • Second Skins, Jay Prosser, 1998 - Columbia University Press

  • Entering Transmasculinity, 2016, matthew heinz - U Chicago Press

  • “Autobiography as Authenticity” in A Comic Studies Reader, 2009, Bart Beaty - University of Mississippi Press

  • Autobiographical Comics, 2012 Elizabeth El Refaie - University of Mississippi Press

  • Dotinga, R. (2018). Transgender education exposure low: Few residents receive didactic education on gender-affirming care. Urology Times, (5), 8.

  • The Bride Was a Boy by Chii - Macmillan

  • Cruising Utopias, 2009, José Estaban Munoz - NYU Press

  • Mangin, M. (2018). Supporting Transgender and Gender-Expansive Children in School. Phi Delta Kappan100(2), 16–21.

  • 2017 National School Climate Survey - GLSEN

  • Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 16: Incarceration, The School-To-Prison Pipeline + Resistance - Link

  • Legal Guidance on Transgender Students’ Rights, 2016 - NEA

  • The Transgender Student, 2014 - NAIS

  • Opening the Doors to Learning Through Safe Spaces in K-12 Schools, 2018, Jennifer Gunn - Link

  • More Than a Safe Space, Michael Sadowski, Winter 2016-2017 - American Educator

  • Comicsalliance

  • Trans-inclusive comics for kids:

    • Cucumber Quest by Gigi D. G. (First Second)

    • Backstagers by James Tynion IV and Rian Sygh (Boom Studios)

    • Jem and the Holograms by Kelly Thompson, Sophie Campbell and Meredith McClaren (IDW)

    • Wandering Son by Shimura Takako, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics)

    • The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang (First Second)

    • As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gillman (Iron Circus Comics)

    • The Breakaways by Cathy G. Johnson (First Second) - Link

Letters to the Editor

Theme song by Downtown Boys