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Filtering by Tag: Education

Write RI x Comic Art Ed!

Cathy G. Johnson

I will be teaching two 4-week long workshop series aimed at guiding Rhode Island teenagers through the development, writing and drawing of their own comic book stories. These workshops were developed in collaboration with Write RI and School One in Providence, Rhode Island, and will be taught both virtually and in-person. Students are invited to submit their final comic stories in a contest to be collected and printed into a state-wide anthology.

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Dear Comics Students Starting Your Final Semester...

Cathy G. Johnson

Dear Comic Student, it’s time. You are arriving at your final semester of comics school. Maybe you spent all winter break working on your comic. Or maybe you meant to, and it didn’t happen. Maybe you actually did do a lot of work and it just doesn’t feel like it. Maybe it feels like you should have gotten more work done than you did. Or maybe, maybe you really did do nothing. Maybe you slept in very late, everyday. You played video games. You watched a lot of TikToks. But what this accomplished was rest. You have rested. You have filled your gas tank. And now it’s time to really get started.

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New Textbook Chapter: Teaching with Comics

Cathy G. Johnson

Very honored to share that I have been published in a textbook! I wrote a chapter for Teaching with Comics, edited by Robert Aman and Lars Wallner, published by Palgrave Macmillan. My chapter is titled "Comic Art Ed: Making Comics Is for Everyone!" discussing the pedagogical values of kids drawing comics. Much of this chapter is an expansion of work shared on this very website! I am so thankful to Lars and Robert for including me.

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In The Classroom - Life Comic Activity

Cathy G. Johnson

Here is a fun comic art activity that gets students thinking and sharing about their past, present and future! I created this project for my art enrichment after school students. I wanted students to think about their goals and their future, particularly with a hopeful attitude, since the pandemic has been harsh and difficult on developing kids.

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In The Classroom - Scaffolding upon Doodling

Cathy G. Johnson

“Where do ideas come from?” Ideation is something that can stump many art students. We never want to tell students what they should make! On the flip side, doodling is spontaneous, free, and unrestrained drawing. Every student, no matter their artistic skill or background, can doodle. How can the power of doodling be harnessed to help students create, develop, and feel confident in their original ideas?

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In The Classroom - Expressive Figure Drawing

Cathy G. Johnson

Figure drawing is a well-known art exercise for students of all ages, and can be approached in many different ways. The excitement and joy of cartooning is not the precision of drawing, but the communication through marks and forms. Therefore, my approach to figure drawing with my students is not about capturing the perfect form, but instead capturing the emotion that the figure is conveying.

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