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In The Classroom - Life Comic Activity

Cathy G. Johnson

Here is a fun comic art activity that gets students thinking and sharing about their past, present and future! I created this project for my art enrichment after school students. I wanted students to think about their goals and their future, particularly with a hopeful attitude, since the pandemic has been harsh and difficult on developing kids.

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Book Posts - A Map to the Sun

Cathy G. Johnson

An electric and reverent slice-of-life sports story about female adolescence, A Map to the Sun is a powerful graphic novel for older teens. Ren, Luna, Jetta, Anella and So-young are fiercely independent teenagers living in a beautiful beachside town. Difficulties young adults face such as drug + alcohol use, sexual harassment and self-harm influence the girls’ lives. Together they decide to build something new just for themselves at school: a basketball team.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 32: Propaganda

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy + remus talk about the way propaganda has historically shaped the dominate United States way of thinking. remus discusses the propagandistic role of comics and superheroes in proliferating violent vigilanteism. Cathy discusses how history was taught with propagandistic intention, + shares ways the art classroom can illuminate historical context.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 30: Distance Learning + Mutual Aid Pedagogy

Cathy G. Johnson

In this episode, Cathy + remus document the teaching + learning transition to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public university, private school + public school approaches are discussed based on public statements + personal impact. remus presents mutual aid pedagogy work + possibilities for disability justice, + Cathy provides updates on the Providence Public School state takeover + their pandemic response.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 29: Libraries + YA Graphic Novels

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy + remus discuss the contemporary role libraries play in the popularity of young adult graphic novels. remus discusses how libraries have changed their attitudes toward comics, moving from crusaders to advocates. Cathy talks about the new graphic memoirs Fights by Joel Christian Gill and Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe. She discusses the possibilities these books hold for educators + young adult readers, + using comics as a tool to approach difficult topics.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 28: Public Libraries

Cathy G. Johnson

On this episode, Cathy + remus discuss public libraries in the United States. remus presents the history of libraries, their purpose for the public + the American Library Association (ALA). Cathy discusses the current services libraries offer the public, including family support, youth services + addressing poverty + homelessness. Cathy also introduces a new segment to Drawing a Dialogue called “Schools Are The Community,” to discuss the current state takeover of Providence Public Schools.

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Book Posts - Our Dining Table

Cathy G. Johnson

“Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane — two brothers, many years apart in age — who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! It’s not long before Yutaka finds himself falling hard for the meals they share together — and falling in love!” (from the back of the book)

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 27: Decolonizing Museums

Cathy G. Johnson

Continuing from last episode, Cathy + remus further their discussion of the museum by examining decolonization efforts. remus offers real case studies of what museums are currently doing to address colonial pasts. Cathy shares lesson plans that complicate the use of museums in classrooms. The two discuss what decolonizing is, can look like, what is being done, + address the problematic idea that institutions should be saved.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 26: History of Art Museums + Museum Education

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy + remus discuss the history of the art museum + museum education. remus discusses museums as an Enlightenment era outgrowth, moving into the display of art in the museum + its purpose. Cathy talks about the history of art museum education + the underlying theories, + how museums can be used in art education today. Both hosts discuss the colonial histories + cultural responsibilities of all museums, + how we can move forward.

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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 25: Transmasculinity + Child Development

Cathy G. Johnson

Cathy + remus talk about transmasculinity + gender development in children. remus discusses masculinity through two different trans memoir comics by Higu Rose + Victor Martins, placing the narratives into a new historical canon. Cathy shares the latest in transgender child development research, focusing on younger children, including statistics, books + lesson plans.

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