Being Our Own Superhero: Recycled Art Workshop
Cathy G. Johnson
In this all-ages workshop, students will have the opportunity to brainstorm their own superhero identity, design a symbol, then create a simple cardboard + paper costume.
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In this all-ages workshop, students will have the opportunity to brainstorm their own superhero identity, design a symbol, then create a simple cardboard + paper costume.
Read MoreOn this episode, remus tells us all about open access archives! What are they, why do they exist, and how can we use them? Also, Cathy and remus recap the Small Press Expo (SPX) 2023 and talk about their experiences with indie comic book conventions in a “post” pandemic world.
Read MoreIn celebration of our 50th episode and our 6th anniversary, let’s go to the movies! remus and Cathy discuss movies about cartoonists; not comic book movies, but movies where cartoonists themselves are the protagonist. Funny Pages, Chasing Amy, Monkeybone, and more!
Read MoreA young adult graphic novel about high school wallflower Belle Hawkins, who ends up in a love triangle after tutoring the girlfriend of her crush. A charming representation of lesbian identity.
Read MoreInspired by a recent situation, Cathy and remus talk about what it’s like being an award judge behind the scenes, the differences between censorship and criticism, and challenge future judges to reconsider what’s important.
Read MoreI love libraries! I’ve been very lucky to get invited to a few recently to do author visits and comic drawing workshops. Here are a few photos and graphics from those events! We had a really wonderful time and I can’t wait to come back.
Read MoreIn this episode, Cathy and remus discuss the on-going teacher shortage in the United States. We discuss various theories on why teachers to leave the profession, such as burnout, student behavior, and moral disagreement. What is the shortage, where is it happening, and why?
Read MoreIn this episode, Cathy shares her newly published book chapter, Comic Art Ed! Making Comics is for Everyone! She discusses the art education approach to K-12 comic book lesson development through five different pedagogical values: teamwork, ideation, literacy, self-actualization, and fun. Cartooning combines drawing and writing into its own unique learning and creating form. This chapter synthesizes the past decade of Cathy’s work helping develop the pedagogical field of making comics in the art classroom!
Read MoreWhat is the PhD process like? In this episode, remus updates us on their PhD progress, specifically sharing how the qualifying exam goes and how dissertations are written. Cathy shares why she stopped at a master’s degree. Why get a PHD? What is it for? Let’s talk about it!
Read MoreVery honored to share that I have been published in a textbook! I wrote a chapter for Teaching with Comics, edited by Robert Aman and Lars Wallner, published by Palgrave Macmillan. My chapter is titled "Comic Art Ed: Making Comics Is for Everyone!" discussing the pedagogical values of kids drawing comics. Much of this chapter is an expansion of work shared on this very website! I am so thankful to Lars and Robert for including me.
Read MoreHow can a drawing be transgender? Cathy and remus are joined by special guest Fi Stewart-Taylor to talk about the representation of transgender people in comics. Fi talks about what representation and inclusion is, including research into early webcomic trans representation before “the transgender tipping point.”
Read MoreIn this episode, remus discusses the way queer AIDS activists used art and comics as part of their activism during the the 1980s-1990s. They specifically talk about four art projects: the AIDS memorial quilt, work by activist group Gran Fury, the comics anthologies “Strip AIDS” and “Strip AIDS USA,” and David Wojnaworicz's “7 Miles A Second.”
Read MoreI was recently invited by the Grafton Public Library in Massachusetts to teach a Teen Zine Workshop. It was so much fun! Description of Workshop: Learn about the history of zines and then create your own! From political activism, fan comics, to punk rock and Star Trek, you can make a zine about almost anything!
Read MoreThe common definition of BL, the acronym for Boys Love, is “a genre consisting of male-male romantic fictions created by women and for women in Japan, previously known as yaoi.” But is it only women? Cathy and remus discuss the history, contemporary status, and transformative power of BL manga for queer representation, using the awesome expert panel hosted by The Japan Foundation NY as citation: “Boys' Love: The History and Transformation of BL in Asia.” Join us!
Read MoreA chatty episode, remus and Cathy have a conversation catching up about life! remus shares where they are in regards to academia, new jobs and healing, and Cathy talks about finding balance. Also, are they making comics right now or what?!
Read MoreIn this episode, Cathy shares her graphic novels of the year! Cathy served as a judge for the LA Times Book Prize in the Graphic Novel/Comics category, and will be talking about the nominees and winner, as well as a few other favorites that didn’t make the list. Let’s talk about some good comics!
Read MoreIn this episode, remus shares how to do your own research! Learn best research practices, what’s up with academic publishing, and where to get your information… for free heheh.
Read MoreSpecial guest Ross Hernandez join Cathy and remus to talk about how capitalism shapes the creation of comic books. We learn about different forms of labor, art’s relationship to capitalism, and how the comic book industry mashes these worlds together. Where are we right now, and what are our next steps forward? Capitalism is dying, and we should let it die.
Read MoreIn this episode, remus and Cathy introduce and discuss queer theory. remus shares the history of queer theory and how it can be used as a framework for thinking about comics and beyond!
Read MoreSpurred by the recent media attention for the ban of her graphic novel The Breakaways, Cathy leads a discussion with remus on the value of sports in K-12 schools, House Bill 25 in Texas, and the rights of transgender student athletes.
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